While typical design/build firms offer one-stop shopping for most services, this approach can be costly. It means your fee could be covering the cost of an entire team that may not be working on your project. Woodcliffe offers design, project management and the option of who works on your project, allowing more flexibility to control costs. Oftentimes clients come to the table with a favorite painter or contractor they’ve used in the past. That's no problem, we are always happy to work with new talent. If you are like many homeowners who have no idea where to start, we can provide our own team of independent contractors, sub-contractors, specialty craftspeople and artisans to fit your project needs. This approach allows us to blend teams, create new teams and adjust project costs to fit any budget.
Deciding whether to hire an architect or a designer isn't an either/or decision. Designers and architects bring different complimentary skills to a project to create a comprehensive team approach. Both design professionals are hired at the beginning of a project to ensure consistent communication throughout all phases of design and construction. Woodcliffe has worked with many talented architects and can offer recommendations based on the project goals or will work with a client’s preferred professional.